Stocking up on audacity

La vita e bella.

There’s nothing like sunshine in the East Bay. I know the East Bay(at least the one I live in and love) is about as glam as Jersey but there’s nothing like being among cool folks when the temps are in the 70s and the cielo is as azul with possibility. I’m on a high from the Barack Obama rally at City Hall in the Town, where the beautiful and righteous people of Oakland gathered to hear the brother from the Midwest tell us about his hopes and plans. I love me some political rallies but most of all, I love me some good vibes and people of color showing each other love.

The morning began gray and foggy, the first like that in weeks. Wouldn’t you know? I woke up feeling rejuvenated. Never mind that I spent my Friday night in a school gym(I’m supposed to be trying to get unstuck from my 15-year-old self and there I am again) watching the kiddies go dumb and trying to keep dumbass Porky(the jackass formerly known as San Jose before I realized he was married and disgusting) off me. True, I had to suspend three of my favorites, including one of the Four Horsemen(more on them in a future blog), War, who always flirts with me when I see him. Yes, my glands were swollen and my throat began to ache. I got home, tossed back some grapefruit-flavored Airborne, and slept for an amazing seven hours. Then it’s up to read a new chapter in my cognitive behavior therapy workbook, pray the Liturgy of the Hours, and make the bed. So, despite the clouds outside, I felt ready to smile at the world.

And smile I did. I cleaned the newly empty guest room. I went to the supermarket and marveled at the fact that I haven’t cooked a meal for myself in over a month. (Truly a sign that something is wrong because cooking is one of my passions.) I visited the Hayward Farmer’s Market for the first time in several months. I sought out the Raza farmers, gave my salutations in Spanish, before walking through downtown saying hi to everyone I passed on the street. Then it was off to Trader Joe’s before I rushed to Mom’s to download my Obama rally e-ticket.

I love that Obama’s theme is hope. Hope has always been essential to my personality, career, and existence. Hope is my familiar friend with feathers. Hope sweeps up the broken crockery and puts away the knives. Hope drives to the hospital and opens its heart and mind. Hope takes a deep breath and allows itself to be open to the universe. Hope hoots and hollers for a potential president. Hope lives.

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